MJCarty snapshots May 2024

Flowers, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and coinage. A few personal highlights from May 2024, captured in tiny wee snapshots.

This is my latest monthly selection of snapshots of things that caught my eye over these past few weeks, comprising the month of May 2024.

Saturday 4 May 2024: May the fourth be with you


To mark the occasion of Star Wars day (ie May the fourth), I thought it was high time I rounded up my Star Wars sketches from over the years.

Saturday 11 May 2024: Not drinking


Gentle reader: A question for you, and just you. What is your relationship with alcohol?

No need to share the answer with me. Just answer honestly to yourself about your true relationship with alcohol. Then, one more question – again just for you and you alone. If you think about your answer to that first question, how do you feel about your relationship with alcohol?

I pose these questions in my blog post Not drinking.

Sunday 12 May 2024: Lazy Sunday


Beautiful tones to the sky as Sunday thinks about getting started.


Flowers positively bursting with colour in the abundant sunshine.

Wednesday 15 May 2024: By any other name?


A sure sign that spring 2024 is truly underway… The first roses of the year have started to bloom in my garden! How I have missed their sweet scent.

Saturday 18 May 2024: Against prejudice


We can never take equality for granted. Any progress towards equality is always at risk of being reversed. We must be vigilant against prejudice, always. These words begin my blog post Against prejudice.

Friday 24 May 2024: Conan Doyle and coinage


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle contemplates the first rays of the new rising sun.


That selfsame new rising sun, as seen by me through the branches of a tree.


Turned out to be a bountiful early morning walk – I somehow had the good fortune to find 55p!

Your snapshots

What about you, gentle reader? What has made or is making your month memorable? I would love to know! Post a comment below, or @ me on the social medium of your choice: ThreadsBlueSkyMastodon, or Instagram.

May you be nothing but kind today, to others and to yourself.

May today be nothing but kind to you and yours.


  • All photography by MJCarty (except for the blog post thumbnail images, some of which are from Wikimedia Commons, and are fully credited on the relevant parent post).

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