MJCarty snapshots June 2024

WWII flyovers, chillin’ foxes and the sneaky arrival of summer. A few personal highlights from June 2024, captured in tiny wee snapshots.

This is my latest monthly selection of snapshots of things that caught my eye over these past few weeks, comprising the month of June 2024. Looking back over these pictures, I can see how summer 2024 made its somewhat sneaky arrival, somehow materialising from what seemed to be an endless, rainy winter (with not much in the way of spring inbetween).

Saturday 1 June 2024:


My post Momentum rules the world is inspired by Andre Agassi’s Open – a stunning book about tennis, self-destruction and the struggle to get out of your own way and make positive, lasting change

Sunday 2 June 2024: Buddha through the blades


My front garden Buddha, glimpsed through the rather lengthy blades of grass that resulted from my taking part in No Mow May this year.

Monday 3 June 2024: Of daisies and Dakotas


In which a daisy brings some unexpected brightness to a muddy puddle.


This WWII-era plane flew directly over my back garden on this overcast Monday, its engines loud and rumbling, its speed of flight comparatively slow by modern standards.

I didn’t know what manner of plane this was, so I asked the good folks of Threads, who informed me that it was a Douglas C-47 (apparently referred to as a Dakota DC-3 in the UK), and that this make of aircraft played a key role in helping deploy parachute troops on D-Day. As this month of June 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day, it is a fair bet that this plane was on its way to prepare for a memorial flight to mark the occasion. According to my Threads sources, the wings of the plane in my picture are even painted in a pattern that was used on D-Day.

Tuesday 4 June 2024: Chillin’ foxes


Just before dusk, two foxes sitting relaxed in my back garden, chillin’ like they haven’t a care in the world.

Tuesday 18 June 2024: Spectacular daybreak


This particular Tuesday gifted us one of the more spectacular dawn vistas of recent times.

Thursday 20 June 2024: London shines


Making my way along the South Bank of the Thames to attend a lunch with dear friends, I took a moment to sit and bask in the gorgeous sunshine right by the Shakespeare’s Globe theatre, and take in the view of Saint Paul’s Cathedral set against the crystal clear summer sky.


Another view of Saint Paul’s, this time with added Millennium Bridge.

Saturday 22 June 2024: Beastieversary


My post Beastie Boys XXX looks back in time to a close encounter of the Beastie kind in 1994 – exactly 30 years ago from the time of writing. Memories that feel simultaneously like yesterday and from another lifetime.

Sunday 23 June 2024: Forlorn sunflower


Those aforementioned foxes occasionally wreak nocturnal devastation on some of my plants and flowers. I awoke on this particular Sunday to find they’d had a serious go at one of my sunflowers. After an emergency repotting and some serious water treatment, it seems like this poor sunflower may yet (touch wood) live to bloom.

Your snapshots

What about you, gentle reader? What has made or is making your month memorable? I would love to know! Post a comment below, or @ me on the social medium of your choice: ThreadsBlueSkyMastodon, or Instagram.

May you be nothing but kind today, to others and to yourself.

May today be nothing but kind to you and yours.


  • All photography by MJCarty (except for the blog post thumbnail images, some of which are from Wikimedia Commons, and are fully credited on the relevant parent post).

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